Examples Covered under Pre-Existing Coverage
It is being said- any on-going treatment for a pre-existing condition is not covered. Any medical tourism will not be covered. And, any maintenance or preventive care will not be covered by these plans.
Rather, any worsening of a pre-existing conditions, mild or severe, will be covered. For examples, please reference the following chart:
Coverage Under Full Pre-Existing Plan
My father had a heart attack a few years ago. After his travel to the US, he started experiencing heart pain. I took him to the cardiologist. Is this covered?
Yes. Cardiologist visits are covered underneath a Full Pre-Existing coverage plan.
My mother-in-law has been experiencing heart pain for last few days, and had a heart attack on the last day. Is this covered?
Yes. Under a Full Pre-Existing Plan, there is not time limitation between symptoms and seeking care.
My uncle had cancer a few years ago. He is on a Green Card and has been living in the US. Recently, the cancer has come back. Is this covered?
Yes. Chemotherapy & Radiation treatment are covered under this plan. One note- the recurring cancer diagnosis must occur after the effective date.
My cousin had a back injury a few years back. He recently starting feeling back pain and went to seek the advise of a Chiropractor & get physical therapy. Is this covered?
Yes. Chiropractic care & physical therapy regarding pre-existing conditions are covered underneath full pre-existing plans.
My aunt had a sudden heart attack. After staying a few days in the hospital, she needs prescription drugs, follow up blood tests, and doctors visits. Are these covered?
Yes. Any sudden medical event, along with any follow up visits, i.e. blood tests, x-rays, EKG, etc., will be covered by full pre-existing plans.
My mother is diabetic. She was prescribed medication but often forgets to take it often. She experienced a diabetic shock and needed to visit the emergency room. Will this emergency visit be covered?
Yes. Our plans cover you no matter whether your visitor was taking their prescribed medication or not. Full pre-existing plans will cover no matter what happens.