Plan Administrator:  International Medical Group | AM Best Rating: A "Excellent" | Underwriter: Sirius International

  • Coverage Area: Non-US citizens (age 0 to 80+) traveling USA.
  • Coverage Length: Min 5 days up to 12 months.
  • Renew Online: Renewable up to max of 24 months. $5 Renewal fees apply.
  • Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition: Under age 70 (Plan Lite $25,000), (Plan Plus $50,000), (Plan Platinum $100,000).
  • No Network: Visit any doctor/hospital.
  • ID card: Link comes in email to download.

Complete details are given in certificate of insurance.

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Age (0-79)

Plan Lite


Age (80-99)

Plan Lite


Age (0-79)

Plan Plus


Age (0-79)

Plan Platinum


Doctor Visit

Inpatient: $40/visit 30 visits max.

Outpatient: $50/visit, 10 visits max.

Inpatient: $40/visit 30 visits max.

Outpatient:$50/visit,10 visits max

Inpatient: $60/visit 30 visits max.

Outpatient: $60/visit, 10 visits max.

Inpatient: $85/visit 30 visits max.

Outpatient: $85/visit, 10 visits max.

Hospital Room and Board

Inpatient: $825/day 30 days max.

Inpatient: $825/day 30 days max.

Inpatient: $1,400/day 30 days max

Inpatient: $2,000/day 30 days max.


$250 max.

$250 max.

$450 max.

$475 max.


$250, 90 day max.

$250, 90 day max.

$250, 90 day max

$250, 90 day max.

X-Ray & Lab

$400 max.

($200 per procedure)

$400 max.

($200 per procedure)

$450 max.

($250 per procedure)

$500 max.

($500 per procedure)


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  • Charges resulting directly or indirectly from or relating to any Pre-existing Condition, defined as a medical or health condition (whether physical or mental, regardless of the cause of the condition) are excluded from coverage under this insurance
  • Charges for prenatal care, delivery, postnatal care, and care of Newborns, including complications of Pregnancy, miscarriage, complications of delivery and/or of Newborns are excluded from this insurance
  • Charges for Treatment of Mental or Nervous Disorders are excluded from coverage under this insurance.
  • Charges for Routine Physical Examinations and immunizations are excluded from coverage under this insurance. 

Complete details are given in certificate of insurance.

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Insured under age 70 years.

Plan Lite: $25,000 max limit.

Plan Plus: $50,000 max limit.

Plan Platinum: $100,000 max limit.

Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition: A sudden and Unexpected outbreak or reoccurrence that is of short duration, is rapidly progressive, and requires urgent medical care. A Pre-existing Condition that is chronic or congenital, or that gradually becomes worse over time is not an Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition. An Acute Onset of Pre-existing Condition does not include any condition for which, as of the Effective date, the Insured Person (i) knew or reasonably foresaw he/she would receive, (ii) knew he/she should receive, (iii) had scheduled, or (iv) were told that he/she must or should receive, any medical care, drugs or Treatment.

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You can use the First Health Network to search for Doctors/providers.

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Insured Person can request coverage under the plan to be renewed for extended periods of coverage from five (5) days to twelve (12) months up to a maximum total of twenty-four (24) continuous months. Renewability is subject to the Insured Person’s continued eligibility for the plan. Any one (1) Period of Coverage may not exceed twelve (12) months.

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Insured Person shall have three (3) days from the Initial Effective Date, as defined herein, (the “Review Period”) to review. Insured person may request cancellation via the MyIMG customer portal or by sending a written request to the Company by email, mail or fax. However, the following conditions apply for Premium refund: (a) If any claims have been filed with the Company, the Premium is fully earned and is non-refundable. (b) If no claims have been filed with the Company: (i) a cancellation fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00 USD) will be charged, regardless of the reason for cancellation; and (ii) any refund amount that is less than the cancellation fee is non-refundable; and (iii) Premium refunds will be pro-rated.

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All claims and related claim information should be filed with the Company through the Plan Administrator via the MyIMG customer portal at within the timely filing requirements

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