Students, faculty, scholars and their dependents engaged in international education/exchange in the US and/or outside their home country. This program is applicable on an inbound basis and meets USIA requirements for medical evacuation and repatriation. This program is available only to eligible participants of a participating institution.

  • Up to $50,000 Emergency Medical Transportation: (Evacuation/Repatriation) If a Member is away from his/her permanent residence and is involved in an accident or suffers sudden illness, and medical treatment is not available in the opinion of the ON CALL physician, ON CALL will make arrangements and pay for transfer to the nearest facility capable of providing adequate care.
  • Up to $2,500 Joining of Injured Family Member: If a Member is injured away from home and will be hospitalized for more than 7 days, at the Member’s request, ON CALL shall make and payfor, economy travel arrangements for a parent or family member to join the Member.
  • Up to $2,500 Joining of Family Member Accommodation: If a Member is injured away from home and will be hospitalized for more than 7 days, and ON CALL has made travelarrangements for a parent or family member to join the Member ON CALL shall also make suitable hotel arrangements and pay for hotels and meals up to a maximum of $ 150 per day to a maximum of 5 days.
  • Up to $ 2,500 Return of Dependent Children: If a Member is hospitalized for more than seven (7) days, ON CALL will return the Member’s minor children who are under 18 years of age and accompanying him/her on the trip, to their home, with an attendant if necessary.
  • Up to $50,000 Repatriation of Deceased Remains: In the event of a Member’s death away from home, ON CALL will render every assistance possible to obtain necessary clearances and arrangements for the return of deceased remains and pay such reasonable expenses associated with the return.
  • Medical Monitoring: ON CALL shall, via telephone, monitor the Members condition when hospitalized and provide ongoing updates to the Member’s family. Depending upon the medical and/or geographical situations, ON CALL may retain the services of consulting physicians/nurses and/or other medical professionals with relevant areas of expertise to assist in the monitoring of Member’s condition. ON CALL does not provide or control the provision of medical services to Members. The attending medical practitioner and/or the Member or their representative makes all decisions regarding medical services. The parties understand and agree that the rendering of medical services to a Member and the result thereof are solely within the control of medical practitioners and/or other providers of the services and advice. ON CALL and performance of its obligations, shall not constitute any undertaking to render any medical services, to assume or guarantee the result of medical services provided on behalf of Members, or to guarantee that the medical services performed by others will be rendered in accordance with generally accepted standards or procedures.
  • 24 Hour Nurse Help Line: ON CALL shall provide Members with clinical assessment, education and general health information. This service shall be performed by a registered NurseCounselor to assist in identifying the appropriate level and source(s) of care for members (based on symptoms reported and/or health care questions asked by or on behalf of Members). Nurses shall not diagnose Member’s ailments.
  • Pre-Trip Planning: ON CALL shall provide up to date information either by email, fax or over the phone regarding vaccinations requirement, health risks, travel restrictions and weatherconditions for global destinations worldwide.
  • Medical, Dental and Pharmacy Referrals: ON CALL shall provide, at the Members request, referrals to medical, dental professionals and pharmacies in the given geographic area locations of western style medical facilities and English speaking doctors, dentists and other health care providers in an area served by ON CALL to the extent possible. Deposits, Advances and
  • Guarantees: Deposits, advances and guarantees will be provided for, but not limited to, medical facilities, hotels, airlines, ground and air ambulances and other like providers to secure servicefor Member. Any advances of funds on behalf of the Member shall be charged to the Member’s credit card at the time of service.
  • Dispatch of Medicine: ON CALL shall dispatch to the Member prescription medicine, when not locally available and legally permissible, upon the written authorization of Member’s Primary Physician. The Member is responsible for any expenses incurred in this regard, including but not limited, to the cost of the pharmaceuticals, shipping cost, taxes or other import/export duties.These expenses will be billed to the Member’s credit card prior to shipping.
  • Dispatch of Physician/Nurse: When a Member is away from home ON CALL may at its sole discretion dispatch to the Member’s location a physician or other health care professional to assist in determining the medical condition and suitability to travel to a Member who has been hospitalized.
  • Medically Supervised Repatriation: If in the opinion of ON CALL’s physician, it is medically advisable to transfer a sick or injured Member who is away from home to a medical facility nearesthis/her permanent residence following stabilization, ON CALL shall make the arrangements and pay for transfer up to the limit of Coverage.

The Following Expenses Are Not Covered: Services other than those indicated herein.

  • Intentionally self-inflicted injuries.
  • Services provided for a Member for which no charge is normally made.
  • Expenses incurred if the original or ancillary purpose of the Member’s trip is to obtain medical treatment.
  • Participation in a declared or undeclared act of war, civil disturbance or insurrection, accident occurring while the Member is serving on full-time or active duty in the Armed Forces of any country or international authority, flight in aircraft being used for experimental purpose, or in military aircraft (except the Military Aircraft Command of the United States or similar air transport Services)or while serving as a member of the crew of any aircraft.
  • Use of any alcohol or drug unless prescribed by a physician. Any services provided to an injured person where the Member is entitled to receive reimbursement for such expenses under any group insurance program maintained by the Member’s insurance company or employer.
  • Routine or non-disabling medical problems, such as simple fractures, or sickness, which can be treated by local doctors and do not prevent the injured person from continuing the trip or returning home. Any expenses incurred while traveling within 100 miles of an eligible Member’s primary place of residence.

Limitations: ON CALL does not provide coverage caused by or resulting from -

Traveling against medical advice; applying for membership while hospitalized, mental or emotional disorders, unless hospitalized; participating in bodily contact sports, skydiving, hand gliding, parachuting, mountaineering, any race, bungee cord jumping, and speed contests; traveling in any country in which the U.S. State Department issued travel restrictions; the commission of orattempt to commit an unlawful act.

All legal actions arising under this Agreement shall be barred unless written notice, thereof, is received by ON CALL within one year from the date of event giving rise to such legal action. ON CALL cannot be held responsible for failure to provide services or for delays caused by strikes or conditions beyond its control, including but not limited to flight conditions, or where rendering of service is prohibited by local laws or regulatory agencies.

Member may be required to release ON CALL or any health care provider from liability during emergency evacuation and/ or repatriation.

Without limiting the foregoing, ON CALL’s actions and obligations under this Agreement are ministerial in nature, and all medical care is provided by medical professionals ultimately selected by a Member and in no event is the responsibility of ON CALL. ON CALL is not liable for any malpractice performed by a local doctor, health care provider or attorney.

ON CALL retains the medical discretion to limit one emergency evacuation and or repatriation attributable to any single medical condition of a Member.

ON CALL, at its sole discretion, will assist Members on a fee for service basis for interventions falling under Section B. ON CALL reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to request additional financial guarantees or pre-payment or indemnification from the Member prior to rendering such service on a fee for service basis.